This is part of the multicolvar module

Calculate all the angles between bonds in the first coordination spheres of a set of atoms

Glossary of keywords and components
Description of components
Quantity Keyword Description
lessthan LESS_THAN the number of colvars that have a value less than a threshold
morethan MORE_THAN the number of colvars that have a value more than a threshold
between BETWEEN the number of colvars that have a value that lies in a particular interval
sum SUM the sum of the colvars
mean MEAN the mean of the colvars
The atoms involved can be specified using
CATOMS all the angles between the bonds that radiate out from these central atom are computed. For more information on how to specify lists of atoms see Groups and Virtual Atoms
GROUP a list of angls between pairs of bonds connecting one of the atoms specified using the CATOM command and two of the atoms specified here are computed. For more information on how to specify lists of atoms see Groups and Virtual Atoms
Compulsory keywords
SWITCH the switching function specifies that only those bonds that have a length that is less than a certain threshold are considered
SUM ( default=off ) calculate the sum of all the quantities.

( default=off ) calculate the mean of all the quantities.

LESS_THAN calculate the number of variables that are less than a certain target value. This quantity is calculated using \(\sum_i \sigma(s_i)\), where \(\sigma(s)\) is a switchingfunction.. You can use multiple instances of this keyword i.e. LESS_THAN1, LESS_THAN2, LESS_THAN3...
MORE_THAN calculate the number of variables that are more than a certain target value. This quantity is calculated using \(\sum_i 1 - \sigma(s_i)\), where \(\sigma(s)\) is a switchingfunction.. You can use multiple instances of this keyword i.e. MORE_THAN1, MORE_THAN2, MORE_THAN3...
BETWEEN calculate the number of values that are within a certain range. These quantities are calculated using kernel density estimation as described on histogrambead.. You can use multiple instances of this keyword i.e. BETWEEN1, BETWEEN2, BETWEEN3...
HISTOGRAM calculate a discretized histogram of the distribution of values. This shortcut allows you to calculates NBIN quantites like BETWEEN.