Classes | Typedefs | Variables
PLMD::gridtools Namespace Reference


class  ActionWithGrid
class  ConvertToFES
 Provides the keyword CONVERT_TO_FES More...
class  DumpGrid
 Provides the keyword DUMPCUBE More...
class  EvaluateFunctionOnGrid
 Provides the keyword EVALUATE_FUNCTION_FROM_GRID More...
class  EvaluateGridFunction
class  FindGridOptimum
 Provides the keyword FIND_GRID_MAXIMUM More...
class  FunctionOfGrid
class  Gradient
 Provides the keyword GRADIENT More...
class  GridCoordinatesObject
class  GridSearch
class  InterpolateGrid
 Provides the keyword INTERPOLATE_GRID More...
class  Interpolator
class  KDE
 Provides the keyword KDE More...
class  KLEntropy
 Provides the keyword KL_ENTROPY More...
class  MultiColvarDensity
 Provides the keyword MULTICOLVARDENS More...
class  PairEntropies
 Provides the keyword PAIRENTROPIES More...
class  PairEntropy
 Provides the keyword PAIRENTROPY More...
class  RDF
 Provides the keyword RDF More...
class  ReadGridInSetup
 Provides the keyword REFERENCE_GRID More...


typedef FunctionOfGrid< function::CustomGridCustom
typedef FunctionOfGrid< function::SumGridSum
typedef function::FunctionOfScalar< EvaluateGridFunctionScalarEvalGrid
typedef function::FunctionOfVector< EvaluateGridFunctionVectorEvalGrid


static std::map< std::string, double > leptonConstants

Typedef Documentation

◆ GridCustom

◆ GridSum

◆ ScalarEvalGrid

◆ VectorEvalGrid

Variable Documentation

◆ leptonConstants

std::map<std::string, double> PLMD::gridtools::leptonConstants
Initial value:
= {
{"e", std::exp(1.0)},
{"log2e", 1.0/std::log(2.0)},
{"log10e", 1.0/std::log(10.0)},
{"ln2", std::log(2.0)},
{"ln10", std::log(10.0)},
{"pi", pi},
{"pi_2", pi*0.5},
{"pi_4", pi*0.25},
{"sqrt2", std::sqrt(2.0)},
{"sqrt1_2", std::sqrt(0.5)}
constexpr double pi(3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307)
Log * log
Definition: Benchmark.cpp:228