This is part of the function module

Calculate a combination of variables using a custom expression.

This action computes an arbitrary function of one or more collective variables. Arguments are chosen with the ARG keyword, and the function is provided with the FUNC string. Notice that this string should contain no space. Within FUNC, one can refer to the arguments as x,y,z, and t (up to four variables provided as ARG). This names can be customized using the VAR keyword (see examples below).

This function is implemented using the Lepton library, that allows to evaluate algebraic expressions and to automatically differentiate them.

If you want a function that depends not only on collective variables but also on time you can use the TIME action.


The following input tells plumed to perform a metadynamics using as a CV the difference between two distances.

Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
tested on master