This is part of the symfunc module
It is only available if you configure PLUMED with ./configure –enable-modules=symfunc . Furthermore, this feature is still being developed so take care when using it and report any problems on the mailing list.

Calculate the degree to which the environment about ions has a tetrahedral order.

We can measure the degree to which the atoms in the first coordination shell around any atom, \(i\) is is arranged like a tetrahedron using the following function.

\[ s(i) = \frac{1}{\sum_j \sigma( r_{ij} )} \sum_j \sigma( r_{ij} )\left[ \frac{(x_{ij} + y_{ij} + z_{ij})^3}{r_{ij}^3} + \frac{(x_{ij} - y_{ij} - z_{ij})^3}{r_{ij}^3} + \frac{(-x_{ij} + y_{ij} - z_{ij})^3}{r_{ij}^3} + \frac{(-x_{ij} - y_{ij} + z_{ij})^3}{r_{ij}^3} \right] \]

Here \(r_{ij}\) is the magnitude of the vector connecting atom \(i\) to atom \(j\) and \(x_{ij}\), \(y_{ij}\) and \(z_{ij}\) are its three components. The function \(\sigma( r_{ij} )\) is a switchingfunction that acts on the distance between atoms \(i\) and \(j\). The parameters of this function should be set so that the function is equal to one when atom \(j\) is in the first coordination sphere of atom \(i\) and is zero otherwise.


The following command calculates the average value of the TETRAHEDRAL parameter for a set of 64 atoms all of the same type and outputs this quantity to a file called colvar.

Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
tested on master