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PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel Class Referenceabstract

This is used to create PLMD::Action objects that are computed by calculating the same function multiple times. More...

#include <ActionWithVessel.h>

Inheritance diagram for PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef std::vector< Action * > Dependencies
typedef std::set< FILE * >::iterator files_iterator

Public Member Functions

 ActionWithVessel (const ActionOptions &ao)
 ~ActionWithVessel ()
void lockContributors ()
unsigned getCurrentNumberOfActiveTasks () const
 Get the number of tasks that are currently active. More...
bool taskIsCurrentlyActive (const unsigned &index) const
 Check whether or not a particular task is currently active. More...
bool derivativesAreRequired () const
 Are derivatives required for this quantity. More...
virtual bool threadSafe () const
 Is this action thread safe. More...
virtual void finishComputations (const std::vector< double > &buffer)
 Finish running all the calculations. More...
virtual bool isPeriodic ()=0
 Are the base quantities periodic. More...
virtual void retrieveDomain (std::string &min, std::string &max)
 What are the domains of the base quantities. More...
virtual unsigned getNumberOfDerivatives ()=0
 Get the number of derivatives for final calculated quantity. More...
virtual unsigned getNumberOfQuantities () const
 Get the number of quantities that are calculated during each task. More...
unsigned getNumberOfVessels () const
 Get the number of vessels. More...
VesselgetPntrToVessel (const unsigned &i)
 Get a pointer to the ith vessel. More...
virtual void doJobsRequiredBeforeTaskList ()
 Do any jobs that are required before the task list is undertaken. More...
unsigned getFullNumberOfTasks () const
 Get the full size of the taskList dynamic list. More...
unsigned getPositionInFullTaskList (const unsigned &ii) const
 Get the position of the ith active task in the full list. More...
unsigned getTaskCode (const unsigned &ii) const
 Get the code for the ii th task in the list. More...
unsigned getActiveTask (const unsigned &ii) const
 Get the ith of the currently active tasks. More...
virtual void performTask (const unsigned &, const unsigned &, MultiValue &) const =0
 Calculate one of the functions in the distribution. More...
virtual void transformBridgedDerivatives (const unsigned &current, MultiValue &invals, MultiValue &outvals) const
 Do the task if we have a bridge. More...
StoreDataVesselbuildDataStashes (ActionWithVessel *actionThatUses)
 Ensure that data required in other vessels is stored. More...
virtual void applyBridgeForces (const std::vector< double > &bb)
 Apply forces from bridge vessel - this is rarely used - currently only in ActionVolume. More...
VesselgetVesselWithName (const std::string &mynam)
 These are overwritten in MultiColvarFunction. More...
bool weightWithDerivatives () const
 Does the weight have derivatives. More...
unsigned getPositionInCurrentTaskList (const unsigned &myind) const
 Return the position in the current task list. More...
virtual void normalizeVector (std::vector< double > &vals) const
 These normalizes vectors and is used in StoreDataVessel. More...
virtual void normalizeVectorDerivatives (MultiValue &myvals) const
bool checkUpdate () const
 Check if action should be updated. More...
void addDependency (Action *)
 Specify that this Action depends on another one. More...
void clearDependencies ()
 Clear the dependence list for this Action. More...
long int getStep () const
 Return the present timestep. More...
double getTime () const
 Return the present time. More...
double getTimeStep () const
 Return the timestep. More...
bool getRestart () const
 Return true if we are doing a restart. More...
bool getCPT () const
 Return true if we are doing at a checkpoint step. More...
std::string getKeyword (const std::string &key)
 Just read one of the keywords and return the whole thing as a string. More...
template<class T >
void parse (const std::string &key, T &t)
 Parse one keyword as generic type. More...
template<class T >
bool parseNumbered (const std::string &key, const int no, T &t)
 Parse one numbered keyword as generic type. More...
template<class T >
void parseVector (const std::string &key, std::vector< T > &t)
 Parse one keyword as std::vector. More...
template<class T >
bool parseNumberedVector (const std::string &key, const int no, std::vector< T > &t)
 Parse a vector with a number. More...
void parseFlag (const std::string &key, bool &t)
 Parse one keyword as boolean flag. More...
void error (const std::string &msg) const
 Crash calculation and print documentation. More...
void warning (const std::string &msg)
 Issue a warning. More...
void exit (int c=0)
 Exit with error code c. More...
void checkRead ()
 Check if Action was properly read. More...
virtual void prepare ()
 Prepare an Action for calculation This can be used by Action if they need some special preparation before calculation. More...
virtual void lockRequests ()
virtual void unlockRequests ()
virtual void calculate ()=0
 Calculate an Action. More...
virtual void apply ()=0
 Apply an Action. More...
virtual void beforeUpdate ()
 Before Update. More...
virtual void update ()
 Update. More...
virtual void runFinalJobs ()
 RunFinalJobs This method is called once at the very end of the calculation. More...
void fflush ()
 Tell to the Action to flush open files. More...
virtual std::string getDocumentation () const
const std::string & getLabel () const
 Returns the label. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the name. More...
virtual void activate ()
 Set action to active. More...
virtual void setOption (const std::string &s)
virtual void clearOptions ()
virtual void deactivate ()
 Set action to inactive. More...
bool isActive () const
 Check if action is active. More...
bool isOptionOn (const std::string &s) const
 Check if an option is on. More...
const DependenciesgetDependencies () const
 Return dependencies. More...
virtual bool checkNumericalDerivatives () const
 Check if numerical derivatives should be performed. More...
virtual bool checkNeedsGradients () const
 Check if the action needs gradient. More...
virtual void calculateNumericalDerivatives (ActionWithValue *a=NULL)
 Perform calculation using numerical derivatives N.B. More...
FILE * fopen (const char *path, const char *mode)
 Opens a file. More...
int fclose (FILE *fp)
 Closes a file opened with Action::fclose(). More...
void calculateFromPDB (const PDB &)
 Calculate the action given a pdb file as input. More...
virtual void readAtomsFromPDB (const PDB &)
 This is overwritten in ActionAtomistic so that we can read the atoms from the pdb input file rather than taking them from the MD code. More...
bool getExchangeStep () const
 Check if we are on an exchange step. More...
std::string cite (const std::string &s)
 Cite a paper see PlumedMain::cite. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void registerKeywords (Keywords &keys)

Public Attributes

 Reference to main plumed object. More...
 Reference to the log stream. More...
std::set< FILE * > files
const Keywordskeywords

Protected Member Functions

void addVessel (const std::string &name, const std::string &input, const int numlab=0)
 Add a vessel to the list of vessels. More...
void addVessel (Vessel *vv)
BridgeVesseladdBridgingVessel (ActionWithVessel *tome)
 Add a bridging vessel to the list of vessels. More...
void readVesselKeywords ()
 Complete the setup of this object (this routine must be called after construction of ActionWithValue) More...
void needsDerivatives ()
 Turn on the derivatives in the vessel. More...
double getTolerance () const
 Return the value of the tolerance. More...
double getNLTolerance () const
 Return the value for the neighbor list tolerance. More...
void runAllTasks ()
 Calculate the values of all the vessels. More...
void resizeFunctions ()
 Resize all the functions when the number of derivatives change. More...
void calculateAllVessels (const unsigned &taskCode, MultiValue &myvals, MultiValue &bvals, std::vector< double > &buffer, std::vector< unsigned > &der_list)
 This loops over all the vessels calculating them and also sets all the element derivatives equal to zero. More...
bool getForcesFromVessels (std::vector< double > &forcesToApply)
 Retrieve the forces from all the vessels (used in apply) More...
bool serialCalculation () const
 Is the calculation being done in serial. More...
bool usingLowMem () const
 Are we using low memory. More...
void setLowMemOption (const bool &)
 Set that we are using low memory. More...
void deactivateAllTasks ()
 Deactivate all the tasks in the task list. More...
unsigned getSizeOfBuffer (unsigned &bufsize)
 Get the size of the buffer. More...
void addTaskToList (const unsigned &taskCode)
 Add a task to the full list. More...

Protected Attributes

bool dertime
 This is also used to minimise computational expense in complex functions. More...
bool contributorsAreUnlocked
 The terms in the series are locked. More...
bool weightHasDerivatives
 Does the weight have derivatives. More...
unsigned bridgeVariable
 This is used for numerical derivatives of bridge variables. More...
 A pointer to the object that stores data. More...
std::vector< unsigned > taskFlags
 This list is used to update the neighbor list. More...

Private Attributes

bool serial
 Do all calculations in serial. More...
bool lowmem
 Lower memory requirements. More...
bool noderiv
 Are we skipping the calculation of the derivatives. More...
bool actionIsBridged
 This tells plumed that this is used in a bridge. More...
unsigned maxderivatives
 The maximum number of derivatives we can use before we need to invoke lowmem. More...
double tolerance
 The tolerance on the accumulators. More...
double nl_tolerance
 Tolerance for quantities being put in neighbor lists. More...
std::vector< Vessel * > functions
 Pointers to the functions we are using on each value. More...
std::vector< double > tmpforces
 Tempory storage for forces. More...
std::vector< unsigned > fullTaskList
 Ths full list of tasks we have to perform. More...
unsigned nactive_tasks
 The current number of active tasks. More...
std::vector< unsigned > indexOfTaskInFullList
 The indices of the tasks in the full list of tasks. More...
std::vector< unsigned > partialTaskList
 The list of currently active tasks. More...
std::vector< unsigned > der_list
 The list of atoms involved in derivatives (we keep a copy here to avoid resizing) More...
std::vector< double > buffer
 The buffer that we use (we keep a copy here to avoid resizing) More...
bool timers
 Do we want to output information on the timings of different parts of the calculation. More...
 The stopwatch that times the different parts of the calculation. More...
bool dertime_can_be_off
 These are used to minmise computational expense in complex functions. More...


class Vessel
class ShortcutVessel
class FunctionVessel
class StoreDataVessel
class BridgeVessel
class ActionWithInputVessel
class OrderingVessel

Detailed Description

This is used to create PLMD::Action objects that are computed by calculating the same function multiple times.

This is used in PLMD::MultiColvar.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Dependencies

typedef std::vector<Action*> PLMD::Action::Dependencies

◆ files_iterator

typedef std::set<FILE*>::iterator PLMD::Action::files_iterator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ActionWithVessel()

PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::ActionWithVessel ( const ActionOptions ao)

◆ ~ActionWithVessel()

PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::~ActionWithVessel ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ activate()

void PLMD::Action::activate ( )

Set action to active.

◆ addBridgingVessel()

BridgeVessel * PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::addBridgingVessel ( ActionWithVessel tome)

Add a bridging vessel to the list of vessels.

◆ addDependency()

void PLMD::Action::addDependency ( Action action)

Specify that this Action depends on another one.

◆ addTaskToList()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::addTaskToList ( const unsigned &  taskCode)

Add a task to the full list.

◆ addVessel() [1/2]

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::addVessel ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  input,
const int  numlab = 0 

Add a vessel to the list of vessels.

◆ addVessel() [2/2]

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::addVessel ( Vessel vv)

◆ apply()

virtual void PLMD::Action::apply ( )
pure virtualinherited

◆ applyBridgeForces()

virtual void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::applyBridgeForces ( const std::vector< double > &  bb)

Apply forces from bridge vessel - this is rarely used - currently only in ActionVolume.

Reimplemented in PLMD::multicolvar::BridgedMultiColvarFunction, and PLMD::manyrestraints::ManyRestraintsBase.

◆ beforeUpdate()

virtual void PLMD::Action::beforeUpdate ( )

Before Update.

This is a special method that is called just before the update() method. It can be used by actions that want to do something irrespectively of the fact that update() is active or not. In other words, this is always called, even when action is not active.

Reimplemented in PLMD::generic::UpdateIf.

◆ buildDataStashes()

StoreDataVessel * PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::buildDataStashes ( ActionWithVessel actionThatUses)

Ensure that data required in other vessels is stored.

◆ calculate()

virtual void PLMD::Action::calculate ( )
pure virtualinherited

Calculate an Action.

This method is called one or more times per step. The set of all Actions is calculated in forward order.

Implemented in PLMD::colvar::CS2Backbone, PLMD::bias::MetaD, PLMD::bias::PBMetaD, PLMD::function::FuncSumHills, PLMD::mapping::PCAVars, PLMD::function::Matheval, PLMD::generic::WrapAround, PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarBase, PLMD::bias::Metainference, PLMD::function::FuncPathMSD, PLMD::colvar::RDC, PLMD::bias::ExtendedLagrangian, PLMD::generic::Group, PLMD::generic::FitToTemplate, PLMD::colvar::Distance, PLMD::colvar::ContactMap, PLMD::generic::DumpAtoms, PLMD::generic::EffectiveEnergyDrift, PLMD::bias::MovingRestraint, PLMD::colvar::ERMSD, PLMD::generic::WholeMolecules, PLMD::colvar::DRMSD, PLMD::colvar::JCoupling, PLMD::function::Target, PLMD::generic::DumpMassCharge, PLMD::bias::External, PLMD::adjmat::Sprint, PLMD::generic::ResetCell, PLMD::colvar::Gyration, PLMD::multicolvar::CenterOfMultiColvar, PLMD::bias::ABMD, PLMD::colvar::Angle, PLMD::colvar::FretEfficiency, PLMD::generic::UpdateIf, PLMD::multicolvar::DistanceFromContour, PLMD::function::Combine, PLMD::vatom::FixedAtom, PLMD::bias::BiasValue, PLMD::function::LocalEnsemble, PLMD::vatom::Center, PLMD::adjmat::OutputCluster, PLMD::colvar::PRE, PLMD::generic::Read, PLMD::generic::RandomExchanges, PLMD::colvar::NOE, PLMD::colvar::Puckering, PLMD::function::Piecewise, PLMD::multicolvar::DumpMultiColvar, PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithAveraging, PLMD::adjmat::ClusterDistribution, PLMD::colvar::PathMSDBase, PLMD::secondarystructure::SecondaryStructureRMSD, PLMD::colvar::Position, PLMD::bias::LWalls, PLMD::bias::UWalls, PLMD::colvar::Torsion, PLMD::vatom::COM, PLMD::adjmat::ClusterDiameter, PLMD::generic::Print, PLMD::adjmat::ClusterSize, PLMD::colvar::Constant, PLMD::generic::Include, PLMD::analysis::Committor, PLMD::bias::Restraint, PLMD::generic::Flush, PLMD::adjmat::ClusterProperties, PLMD::function::Ensemble, PLMD::colvar::Energy, PLMD::multicolvar::BridgedMultiColvarFunction, PLMD::colvar::Dipole, PLMD::function::Sort, PLMD::function::Stats, PLMD::generic::DumpDerivatives, PLMD::generic::DumpForces, PLMD::generic::Debug, PLMD::vatom::Ghost, PLMD::colvar::Template, PLMD::generic::DumpProjections, PLMD::manyrestraints::ManyRestraintsBase, PLMD::colvar::Cell, PLMD::colvar::ColvarFake, PLMD::colvar::Volume, PLMD::generic::Time, PLMD::adjmat::ClusteringBase, PLMD::colvar::MultiRMSD, PLMD::colvar::RMSD, PLMD::colvar::PCARMSD, PLMD::colvar::CoordinationBase, PLMD::bias::ReweightBase, PLMD::ActionSetup, PLMD::gridtools::GridPrintingBase, and PLMD::mapping::PathBase.

◆ calculateAllVessels()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::calculateAllVessels ( const unsigned &  taskCode,
MultiValue myvals,
MultiValue bvals,
std::vector< double > &  buffer,
std::vector< unsigned > &  der_list 

This loops over all the vessels calculating them and also sets all the element derivatives equal to zero.

◆ calculateFromPDB()

void PLMD::Action::calculateFromPDB ( const PDB pdb)

Calculate the action given a pdb file as input.

This is used to initialize things like distance from a point in CV map space given a pdb as an input file

◆ calculateNumericalDerivatives()

void PLMD::Action::calculateNumericalDerivatives ( ActionWithValue a = NULL)

◆ checkNeedsGradients()

virtual bool PLMD::Action::checkNeedsGradients ( ) const

Check if the action needs gradient.

Reimplemented in PLMD::bias::MetaD, and PLMD::generic::DumpProjections.

◆ checkNumericalDerivatives()

virtual bool PLMD::Action::checkNumericalDerivatives ( ) const

Check if numerical derivatives should be performed.

Reimplemented in PLMD::ActionWithValue.

◆ checkRead()

void PLMD::Action::checkRead ( )

Check if Action was properly read.

This checks if Action::line is empty. It must be called after a final Action has been initialized

◆ checkUpdate()

bool PLMD::Action::checkUpdate ( ) const

Check if action should be updated.

◆ cite()

std::string PLMD::Action::cite ( const std::string &  s)

Cite a paper see PlumedMain::cite.

◆ clearDependencies()

void PLMD::Action::clearDependencies ( )

Clear the dependence list for this Action.

◆ clearOptions()

void PLMD::Action::clearOptions ( )

◆ deactivate()

void PLMD::Action::deactivate ( )

Set action to inactive.

◆ deactivateAllTasks()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::deactivateAllTasks ( )

Deactivate all the tasks in the task list.

◆ derivativesAreRequired()

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::derivativesAreRequired ( ) const

Are derivatives required for this quantity.

◆ doJobsRequiredBeforeTaskList()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::doJobsRequiredBeforeTaskList ( )

Do any jobs that are required before the task list is undertaken.

Reimplemented in PLMD::manyrestraints::ManyRestraintsBase, PLMD::multicolvar::VolumeGradientBase, and PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarFilter.

◆ error()

void PLMD::Action::error ( const std::string &  msg) const

Crash calculation and print documentation.

◆ exit()

void PLMD::Action::exit ( int  c = 0)

Exit with error code c.

◆ fclose()

int PLMD::Action::fclose ( FILE *  fp)

Closes a file opened with Action::fclose().

◆ fflush()

void PLMD::Action::fflush ( )

Tell to the Action to flush open files.

◆ finishComputations()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::finishComputations ( const std::vector< double > &  buffer)

Finish running all the calculations.

◆ fopen()

FILE * PLMD::Action::fopen ( const char *  path,
const char *  mode 

Opens a file.

This is similar to plain fopen, but with some extra functionality.

  • When opened for writing, processors other than the one with rank 0 just open /dev/null
  • PlumedMain::fopen is used, so that other tricks may appear (see PlumedMain::fopen)

◆ getActiveTask()

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getActiveTask ( const unsigned &  ii) const

Get the ith of the currently active tasks.

◆ getCPT()

bool PLMD::Action::getCPT ( ) const

Return true if we are doing at a checkpoint step.

◆ getCurrentNumberOfActiveTasks()

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getCurrentNumberOfActiveTasks ( ) const

Get the number of tasks that are currently active.

◆ getDependencies()

const Dependencies& PLMD::Action::getDependencies ( ) const

Return dependencies.

◆ getDocumentation()

std::string PLMD::Action::getDocumentation ( ) const

◆ getExchangeStep()

bool PLMD::Action::getExchangeStep ( ) const

Check if we are on an exchange step.

◆ getForcesFromVessels()

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getForcesFromVessels ( std::vector< double > &  forcesToApply)

Retrieve the forces from all the vessels (used in apply)

◆ getFullNumberOfTasks()

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getFullNumberOfTasks ( ) const

Get the full size of the taskList dynamic list.

◆ getKeyword()

std::string PLMD::Action::getKeyword ( const std::string &  key)

Just read one of the keywords and return the whole thing as a string.

◆ getLabel()

const std::string & PLMD::Action::getLabel ( ) const

Returns the label.

◆ getName()

const std::string & PLMD::Action::getName ( ) const

Returns the name.

◆ getNLTolerance()

double PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getNLTolerance ( ) const

Return the value for the neighbor list tolerance.

◆ getNumberOfDerivatives()

virtual unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getNumberOfDerivatives ( )
pure virtual

◆ getNumberOfQuantities()

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getNumberOfQuantities ( ) const

◆ getNumberOfVessels()

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getNumberOfVessels ( ) const

Get the number of vessels.

◆ getPntrToVessel()

Vessel * PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getPntrToVessel ( const unsigned &  i)

Get a pointer to the ith vessel.

◆ getPositionInCurrentTaskList()

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getPositionInCurrentTaskList ( const unsigned &  myind) const

Return the position in the current task list.

◆ getPositionInFullTaskList()

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getPositionInFullTaskList ( const unsigned &  ii) const

Get the position of the ith active task in the full list.

◆ getRestart()

bool PLMD::Action::getRestart ( ) const

Return true if we are doing a restart.

◆ getSizeOfBuffer()

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getSizeOfBuffer ( unsigned &  bufsize)

Get the size of the buffer.

◆ getStep()

long int PLMD::Action::getStep ( ) const

Return the present timestep.

◆ getTaskCode()

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getTaskCode ( const unsigned &  ii) const

Get the code for the ii th task in the list.

◆ getTime()

double PLMD::Action::getTime ( ) const

Return the present time.

◆ getTimeStep()

double PLMD::Action::getTimeStep ( ) const

Return the timestep.

◆ getTolerance()

double PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getTolerance ( ) const

Return the value of the tolerance.

◆ getVesselWithName()

Vessel * PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::getVesselWithName ( const std::string &  mynam)

These are overwritten in MultiColvarFunction.

Return a particular named vessel

◆ isActive()

bool PLMD::Action::isActive ( ) const

Check if action is active.

◆ isOptionOn()

bool PLMD::Action::isOptionOn ( const std::string &  s) const

Check if an option is on.

◆ isPeriodic()

virtual bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::isPeriodic ( )
pure virtual

◆ lockContributors()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::lockContributors ( )

◆ lockRequests()

virtual void PLMD::Action::lockRequests ( )

◆ needsDerivatives()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::needsDerivatives ( )

Turn on the derivatives in the vessel.

◆ normalizeVector()

virtual void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::normalizeVector ( std::vector< double > &  vals) const

◆ normalizeVectorDerivatives()

virtual void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::normalizeVectorDerivatives ( MultiValue myvals) const

◆ parse()

template<class T >
void PLMD::Action::parse ( const std::string &  key,
T &  t 

Parse one keyword as generic type.

◆ parseFlag()

void PLMD::Action::parseFlag ( const std::string &  key,
bool &  t 

Parse one keyword as boolean flag.

◆ parseNumbered()

template<class T >
bool PLMD::Action::parseNumbered ( const std::string &  key,
const int  no,
T &  t 

Parse one numbered keyword as generic type.

◆ parseNumberedVector()

template<class T >
bool PLMD::Action::parseNumberedVector ( const std::string &  key,
const int  no,
std::vector< T > &  t 

Parse a vector with a number.

◆ parseVector()

template<class T >
void PLMD::Action::parseVector ( const std::string &  key,
std::vector< T > &  t 

Parse one keyword as std::vector.

◆ performTask()

virtual void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::performTask ( const unsigned &  ,
const unsigned &  ,
) const
pure virtual

◆ prepare()

void PLMD::Action::prepare ( )

Prepare an Action for calculation This can be used by Action if they need some special preparation before calculation.

Typical case is for collective variables which would like to change their list of requested atoms. By default (if not overridden) does nothing.

Reimplemented in PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarBase, PLMD::function::FuncPathMSD, PLMD::generic::DumpMassCharge, PLMD::generic::UpdateIf, PLMD::generic::Read, PLMD::generic::Print, PLMD::bias::ReweightTemperature, PLMD::gridtools::ConvertToFES, PLMD::colvar::Energy, and PLMD::colvar::CoordinationBase.

◆ readAtomsFromPDB()

virtual void PLMD::Action::readAtomsFromPDB ( const PDB )

This is overwritten in ActionAtomistic so that we can read the atoms from the pdb input file rather than taking them from the MD code.

Reimplemented in PLMD::ActionAtomistic.

◆ readVesselKeywords()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::readVesselKeywords ( )

Complete the setup of this object (this routine must be called after construction of ActionWithValue)

◆ registerKeywords()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::registerKeywords ( Keywords keys)

◆ resizeFunctions()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::resizeFunctions ( )

Resize all the functions when the number of derivatives change.

◆ retrieveDomain()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::retrieveDomain ( std::string &  min,
std::string &  max 

What are the domains of the base quantities.

Reimplemented in PLMD::crystallization::InterMolecularTorsions, and PLMD::multicolvar::Torsions.

◆ runAllTasks()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::runAllTasks ( )

Calculate the values of all the vessels.

◆ runFinalJobs()

virtual void PLMD::Action::runFinalJobs ( )

RunFinalJobs This method is called once at the very end of the calculation.

The set of all Actions in run for the final time in forward order.

Reimplemented in PLMD::analysis::Analysis, PLMD::gridtools::ConvertToFES, and PLMD::gridtools::GridPrintingBase.

◆ serialCalculation()

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::serialCalculation ( ) const

Is the calculation being done in serial.

◆ setLowMemOption()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::setLowMemOption ( const bool &  l)

Set that we are using low memory.

◆ setOption()

void PLMD::Action::setOption ( const std::string &  s)

◆ taskIsCurrentlyActive()

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::taskIsCurrentlyActive ( const unsigned &  index) const

Check whether or not a particular task is currently active.

◆ threadSafe()

virtual bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::threadSafe ( ) const

Is this action thread safe.

Reimplemented in PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarBase.

◆ transformBridgedDerivatives()

void PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::transformBridgedDerivatives ( const unsigned &  current,
MultiValue invals,
MultiValue outvals 
) const

Do the task if we have a bridge.

Reimplemented in PLMD::multicolvar::BridgedMultiColvarFunction, and PLMD::manyrestraints::ManyRestraintsBase.

◆ unlockRequests()

virtual void PLMD::Action::unlockRequests ( )

◆ update()

virtual void PLMD::Action::update ( )

◆ usingLowMem()

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::usingLowMem ( ) const

Are we using low memory.

◆ warning()

void PLMD::Action::warning ( const std::string &  msg)

Issue a warning.

◆ weightWithDerivatives()

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::weightWithDerivatives ( ) const

Does the weight have derivatives.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ ActionWithInputVessel

friend class ActionWithInputVessel

◆ BridgeVessel

friend class BridgeVessel

◆ FunctionVessel

friend class FunctionVessel

◆ OrderingVessel

friend class OrderingVessel

◆ ShortcutVessel

friend class ShortcutVessel

◆ StoreDataVessel

friend class StoreDataVessel

◆ Vessel

friend class Vessel

Member Data Documentation

◆ actionIsBridged

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::actionIsBridged

This tells plumed that this is used in a bridge.

◆ bridgeVariable

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::bridgeVariable

This is used for numerical derivatives of bridge variables.

◆ buffer

std::vector<double> PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::buffer

The buffer that we use (we keep a copy here to avoid resizing)

◆ comm

Communicator& PLMD::Action::comm

◆ contributorsAreUnlocked

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::contributorsAreUnlocked

The terms in the series are locked.

◆ der_list

std::vector<unsigned> PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::der_list

The list of atoms involved in derivatives (we keep a copy here to avoid resizing)

◆ dertime

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::dertime

This is also used to minimise computational expense in complex functions.

◆ dertime_can_be_off

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::dertime_can_be_off

These are used to minmise computational expense in complex functions.

◆ files

std::set<FILE*> PLMD::Action::files

◆ fullTaskList

std::vector<unsigned> PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::fullTaskList

Ths full list of tasks we have to perform.

◆ functions

std::vector<Vessel*> PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::functions

Pointers to the functions we are using on each value.

◆ indexOfTaskInFullList

std::vector<unsigned> PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::indexOfTaskInFullList

The indices of the tasks in the full list of tasks.

◆ keywords

const Keywords& PLMD::Action::keywords

◆ log

Log& PLMD::Action::log

Reference to the log stream.

◆ lowmem

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::lowmem

Lower memory requirements.

◆ maxderivatives

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::maxderivatives

The maximum number of derivatives we can use before we need to invoke lowmem.

◆ multi_sim_comm

Communicator& PLMD::Action::multi_sim_comm

◆ mydata

StoreDataVessel* PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::mydata

A pointer to the object that stores data.

◆ nactive_tasks

unsigned PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::nactive_tasks

The current number of active tasks.

◆ nl_tolerance

double PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::nl_tolerance

Tolerance for quantities being put in neighbor lists.

◆ noderiv

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::noderiv

Are we skipping the calculation of the derivatives.

◆ partialTaskList

std::vector<unsigned> PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::partialTaskList

The list of currently active tasks.

◆ plumed

PlumedMain& PLMD::Action::plumed

Reference to main plumed object.

◆ serial

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::serial

Do all calculations in serial.

◆ stopwatch

Stopwatch& PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::stopwatch

The stopwatch that times the different parts of the calculation.

◆ taskFlags

std::vector<unsigned> PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::taskFlags

This list is used to update the neighbor list.

◆ timers

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::timers

Do we want to output information on the timings of different parts of the calculation.

◆ tmpforces

std::vector<double> PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::tmpforces

Tempory storage for forces.

◆ tolerance

double PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::tolerance

The tolerance on the accumulators.

◆ weightHasDerivatives

bool PLMD::vesselbase::ActionWithVessel::weightHasDerivatives

Does the weight have derivatives.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: