This is part of the function module |
This function calculates path collective variables.
This is the Path Collective Variables implementation ( see [26] ). This variable computes the progress along a given set of frames that is provided in input ("s" component) and the distance from them ("z" component). It is a function of mean squared displacement that are obtained by the joint use of mean squared displacement variables with the SQUARED flag (see below).
Here below is a case where you have defined three frames and you want to calculate the progress along the path and the distance from it in p1
t1: RMSDREFERENCE=frame_1.pdbcompulsory keyword a file in pdb format containing the reference structure and the atoms involved in the CV.TYPE=OPTIMALcompulsory keyword ( default=SIMPLE ) the manner in which RMSD alignment is performed.SQUAREDt2: RMSD( default=off ) This should be set if you want mean squared displacement instead of RMSDREFERENCE=frame_21.pdbcompulsory keyword a file in pdb format containing the reference structure and the atoms involved in the CV.TYPE=OPTIMALcompulsory keyword ( default=SIMPLE ) the manner in which RMSD alignment is performed.SQUAREDt3: RMSD( default=off ) This should be set if you want mean squared displacement instead of RMSDREFERENCE=frame_42.pdbcompulsory keyword a file in pdb format containing the reference structure and the atoms involved in the CV.TYPE=OPTIMALcompulsory keyword ( default=SIMPLE ) the manner in which RMSD alignment is performed.SQUAREDp1: FUNCPATHMSD( default=off ) This should be set if you want mean squared displacement instead of RMSDARG=t1,t2,t3the input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions.LAMBDA=500.0 PRINTcompulsory keyword the lambda parameter is needed for smoothing, is in the units of plumedARG=t1,t2,t3,p1.s,p1.zthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions.STRIDE=1compulsory keyword ( default=1 ) the frequency with which the quantities of interest should be outputFILE=colvarthe name of the file on which to output these quantitiesFMT=%8.4fthe format that should be used to output real numbers
For this input you would then define the position of the reference coordinates in three separate pdb files. The contents of the file frame_1.pdb are shown below:
ATOM 1 CL ALA 1 -3.171 0.295 2.045 1.00 1.00 ATOM 5 CLP ALA 1 -1.819 -0.143 1.679 1.00 1.00 ATOM 6 OL ALA 1 -1.177 -0.889 2.401 1.00 1.00 ATOM 7 NL ALA 1 -1.313 0.341 0.529 1.00 1.00 ATOM 8 HL ALA 1 -1.845 0.961 -0.011 1.00 1.00 END
This is then frame.21.pdb:
ATOM 1 CL ALA 1 -3.089 1.850 1.546 1.00 1.00 ATOM 5 CLP ALA 1 -1.667 1.457 1.629 1.00 1.00 ATOM 6 OL ALA 1 -0.974 1.868 2.533 1.00 1.00 ATOM 7 NL ALA 1 -1.204 0.683 0.642 1.00 1.00 ATOM 8 HL ALA 1 -1.844 0.360 -0.021 1.00 1.00 END
and finally this is frame_42.pdb:
ATOM 1 CL ALA 1 -3.257 1.605 1.105 1.00 1.00 ATOM 5 CLP ALA 1 -1.941 1.459 0.447 1.00 1.00 ATOM 6 OL ALA 1 -1.481 2.369 -0.223 1.00 1.00 ATOM 7 NL ALA 1 -1.303 0.291 0.647 1.00 1.00 ATOM 8 HL ALA 1 -1.743 -0.379 1.229 1.00 1.00 END
This second example shows how to define a PATH in CONTACTMAP space:
c1: CONTACTMAP ...ATOMS1=1,2the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE1=0.1A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0ATOMS2=3,4the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE2=0.5A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0ATOMS3=4,5the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE3=0.25A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0ATOMS4=5,6the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE4=0.0A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=1.5}compulsory keyword The switching functions to use for each of the contacts in your map.CMDIST... c2: CONTACTMAP ...( default=off ) calculate the distance with respect to the provided reference contact mapATOMS1=1,2the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE1=0.3A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0ATOMS2=3,4the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE2=0.9A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0ATOMS3=4,5the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE3=0.45A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0ATOMS4=5,6the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE4=0.1A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=1.5}compulsory keyword The switching functions to use for each of the contacts in your map.CMDIST... c3: CONTACTMAP ...( default=off ) calculate the distance with respect to the provided reference contact mapATOMS1=1,2the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE1=1.0A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0ATOMS2=3,4the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE2=1.0A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0ATOMS3=4,5the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE3=1.0A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0ATOMS4=5,6the atoms involved in each of the contacts you wish to calculate.REFERENCE4=1.0A reference value for a given contact, by default is 0.0SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=1.5}compulsory keyword The switching functions to use for each of the contacts in your map.CMDIST... p1: FUNCPATHMSD( default=off ) calculate the distance with respect to the provided reference contact mapARG=c1,c2,c3the input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions.LAMBDA=500.0 PRINTcompulsory keyword the lambda parameter is needed for smoothing, is in the units of plumedARG=c1,c2,c3,p1.s,p1.zthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions.STRIDE=1compulsory keyword ( default=1 ) the frequency with which the quantities of interest should be outputFILE=colvarthe name of the file on which to output these quantitiesFMT=%8.4fthe format that should be used to output real numbers
This third example shows how to define a PATH in PIV space:
c1: PIV ...PRECISION=1000compulsory keyword the precision for approximating reals with integers in sorting.NLIST( default=off ) Use a neighbor list for distance calculations.REF_FILE=Ref1.pdbcompulsory keyword PDB file name that contains the \f$i\f$th reference structure.PIVATOMS=2compulsory keyword Number of atoms to use for PIV.ATOMTYPES=A,Bcompulsory keyword The atom types to use for PIV.ONLYDIRECT( default=off ) Use only direct-terms (A-A, B-B, C-C, ...)SFACTOR=1.0,0.2Scale the PIV-distance by such block-specific factorSORT=1,1compulsory keyword Whether to sort or not the PIV block.SWITCH1={RATIONAL R_0=0.6 MM=12 NN=4}compulsory keyword The switching functions parameter.YouSWITCH2={RATIONAL R_0=0.5 MM=10 NN=5}compulsory keyword The switching functions parameter.YouNL_CUTOFF=1.2,1.2Neighbor lists cutoff.NL_STRIDE=10,10Update neighbor lists every NL_STRIDE steps.NL_SKIN=0.1,0.1 ... c2: PIV ...The maximum atom displacement tolerated for the neighbor lists update.PRECISION=1000compulsory keyword the precision for approximating reals with integers in sorting.NLIST( default=off ) Use a neighbor list for distance calculations.REF_FILE=Ref2.pdbcompulsory keyword PDB file name that contains the \f$i\f$th reference structure.PIVATOMS=2compulsory keyword Number of atoms to use for PIV.ATOMTYPES=A,Bcompulsory keyword The atom types to use for PIV.ONLYDIRECT( default=off ) Use only direct-terms (A-A, B-B, C-C, ...)SFACTOR=1.0,0.2Scale the PIV-distance by such block-specific factorSORT=1,1compulsory keyword Whether to sort or not the PIV block.SWITCH1={RATIONAL R_0=0.6 MM=12 NN=4}compulsory keyword The switching functions parameter.YouSWITCH2={RATIONAL R_0=0.4 MM=10 NN=5}compulsory keyword The switching functions parameter.YouNL_CUTOFF=1.2,1.2Neighbor lists cutoff.NL_STRIDE=10,10Update neighbor lists every NL_STRIDE steps.NL_SKIN=0.1,0.1 ... p1: FUNCPATHMSDThe maximum atom displacement tolerated for the neighbor lists update.ARG=c1,c2the input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions.LAMBDA=0.180338 res: METADcompulsory keyword the lambda parameter is needed for smoothing, is in the units of plumedARG=p1.s,p1.zthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions.SIGMA=0.01,0.2compulsory keyword the widths of the Gaussian hillsHEIGHT=0.8the heights of the Gaussian hills.PACE=500 PRINTcompulsory keyword the frequency for hill additionARG=c1,c2,p1.s,p1.z,res.biasthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions.STRIDE=500compulsory keyword ( default=1 ) the frequency with which the quantities of interest should be outputFILE=colvarthe name of the file on which to output these quantitiesFMT=%15.6fthe format that should be used to output real numbers
By default this Action calculates the following quantities. These quantities can be referenced elsewhere in the input by using this Action's label followed by a dot and the name of the quantity required from the list below.
Quantity | Description |
s | the position on the path |
z | the distance from the path |
LAMBDA | the lambda parameter is needed for smoothing, is in the units of plumed |
NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES | ( default=off ) calculate the derivatives for these quantities numerically |
ARG | the input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions. The particular scalars that you will use are referenced using the label of the action. If the label appears on its own then it is assumed that the Action calculates a single scalar value. The value of this scalar is thus used as the input to this new action. If * or *.* appears the scalars calculated by all the proceeding actions in the input file are taken. Some actions have multi-component outputs and each component of the output has a specific label. For example a DISTANCE action labelled dist may have three components x, y and z. To take just the x component you should use dist.x, if you wish to take all three components then use dist.*.More information on the referencing of Actions can be found in the section of the manual on the PLUMED Getting Started. Scalar values can also be referenced using POSIX regular expressions as detailed in the section on Regular Expressions. To use this feature you you must compile PLUMED with the appropriate flag. You can use multiple instances of this keyword i.e. ARG1, ARG2, ARG3... |
NEIGH_SIZE | size of the neighbor list |
NEIGH_STRIDE | how often the neighbor list needs to be calculated in time units |