This is part of the setup module |
This command sets the internal units for the code.
A new unit can be set by either specifying a conversion factor from the plumed default unit or by using a string corresponding to one of the defined units given below. This directive MUST appear at the BEGINNING of the plumed.dat file. The same units must be used throughout the plumed.dat file.
Notice that all input/output will then be made using the specified units. That is: all the input parameters, all the output files, etc. The only exceptions are file formats for which there is a specific convention concerning the units. For example, trajectories written in .gro format (with DUMPATOMS) are going to be always in nm.
The following strings can be used to specify units. Note that the strings are case sensitive.
# this is using Angstrom - kj/mol - fs UNITS LENGTHthe units of lengths. =A TIMEthe units of time. =fs # compute distance between atoms 1 and 4 d: DISTANCE ATOMSthe pair of atom that we are calculating the distance between. =1,4 # print time and distance on a COLVAR file PRINT ARGthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions. =d FILEthe name of the file on which to output these quantities =COLVAR # dump atoms 1 to 100 on a 'out.gro' file DUMPATOMS FILEcompulsory keyword file on which to output coordinates; extension is automatically detected =out.gro STRIDEcompulsory keyword ( default=1 ) the frequency with which the atoms should be output =10 ATOMSthe atom indices whose positions you would like to print out. =1-100 # dump atoms 1 to 100 on a '' file DUMPATOMS FILEcompulsory keyword file on which to output coordinates; extension is automatically detected STRIDEcompulsory keyword ( default=1 ) the frequency with which the atoms should be output =10 ATOMSthe atom indices whose positions you would like to print out. =1-100
file, time and distance will appear in fs and A respectively, irrespective of which units you are using in the host MD code. The coordinates in the out.gro
file will be expressed in nm, since gro
files are by convention written in nm. The coordinates in the
file will be written in Angstrom since we used the UNITS command setting Angstrom units. Indeed, within PLUMED xyz files are using internal PLUMED units and not necessarily Angstrom!
If a number, x, is found instead of a string, the new unit is equal to x times the default units. Using the following command as first line of the previous example would have lead to an identical result:
UNITS LENGTHthe units of lengths. =0.1 TIMEthe units of time. =0.001
NATURAL | ( default=off ) use natural units |
LENGTH | the units of lengths. Either specify a conversion factor from the default, nm, or use one of the defined units, A (for angstroms), um (for micrometer), and Bohr. |
ENERGY | the units of energy. Either specify a conversion factor from the default, kj/mol, or use one of the defined units, j/mol, kcal/mol and Ha (for Hartree) |
TIME | the units of time. Either specify a conversion factor from the default, ps, or use one of the defined units, ns, fs, and atomic |
MASS | the units of masses. Specify a conversion factor from the default, amu |
CHARGE | the units of charges. Specify a conversion factor from the default, e |