ESDW Workshop Lyon 2019: A very simple introduction to PLUMED


The aim of this tutorial is to give you a quick introduction to the PLUMED syntax and to some of the types of calculations that can be done with PLUMED. It was prepared for a two and a half hour session on PLUMED in the following CECAM extended software development workshop on topics in classical MD:

This tutorial is very straightforward and not at all exhaustive. In fact it skims over many of the subtleties associated with performing these types of calculations using PLUMED. We have thus suggested additional topics that you might like to look into throughout the tutorial in order to take this further.
If you are interested in using the techniques described in the tutorial in your own work a good starting point might be to read the chapter we wrote about using metadynamics from within PLUMED:


Once this tutorial is completed students will be able to:

  • Run simulations using the internal PLUMED MD engine simplemd.
  • Use PLUMED to add additional forces in order to prevent clusters from dissociating.
  • Use PLUMED to calculate and PRINT the value of a collective variable.
  • Use the PLUMED HISTOGRAM and CONVERT_TO_FES actions to calculate an estimate of the free energy as a function of some collective variables.
  • Run metadynamics using the action METAD in order to enhance sampling along collective variables of interest.


The TARBALL for this project contains the following files:

  • in : The input file for simplemd that contains the parameters for the MD simulation.
  • : An initial configuration for the cluster that we are studying in this tutorial.
  • plumed.dat : An empty input file for PLUMED

This tutorial has been tested on v2.5 but it should also work with other versions of PLUMED.

Also notice that the .solutions direction of the tarball contains correct input files for the exercises. Please only look at these files once you have tried to solve the problems yourself. Similarly the tutorial below contains questions for you to answer that are shown in bold. You can reveal the answers to these questions by clicking on links within the tutorial but you should obviously try to answer things yourself before reading these answers.


In this tutorial we are going to study a very simple physical system; namely, seven Lennard Jones atoms in a two dimensional space. This simple system has been extensively studied as has often been used to benchmark new simulation techniques. In addition, the potential energy landscape has been fully characterized and it is known that only the four structurally-distinct minima shown below exist:

The four energetic minima in the energy landscape for two-dimensional Lennard Jones 7.

In the exercises that follow we are going to learn how to use PLUMED to determine the relative free energies of these four structures by running molecular dynamics simulations.


Before completing the following exercises you will need to download and install PLUMED. In addition, you will need to ensure that the PLUMED executable can be found within your path.
You can download PLUMED from: or

If you are running PLUMED on a Mac you can install the executable directly using macports and the command:

sudo port install plumed

If you download the source code you can find instructions on compilation in the PLUMED page on Installation. If you run make install PLUMED or install with macports PLUMED will be within your path.
If, however, you do not wish to do a make install you can simple make PLUMED. You can then add the location of the PLUMED executable to your path by issuing the command:


from within the plumed2 directory.

Using PLUMED as an MD code

PLUMED is primarily used as a plugin to other larger molecular dynamics codes. Mainly for software testing and educational purposes, however, we do have an MD code with a rather limited set of options within PLUMED. You can run this code by issuing the command:

plumed simplemd < in 

where in here is the input file from the tar ball for this tutorial, which is shown below:

temperature 0.5
tstep 0.005
friction 0.1
forcecutoff 2.5
listcutoff  3.0
ndim 2
nstep 200000
nconfig 1000
nstat   1000 energies.dat

This input instructs PLUMED to perform 200000 steps of MD at a temperature of \(k_B T = 0.5 \epsilon\) starting from the configuration in The timestep in this simulation is 0.005 \(\sqrt{\epsilon}{m\sigma^2}\) and the temperature is kept fixed using a Langevin thermostat with a relaxation time of \(0.1 \sqrt{\epsilon}{m\sigma^2}\). Trajectory frames are output every 1000 MD steps to a file called Notice also that in order to run the calculation above you need to provide an empty file called plumed.dat. This file is the input file to the PLUMED plugin itself, which, because this file is empty, is doing nothing when we run the calculation above.

Run a calculation using simplemd and the input above and visualize the trajectory that is output. Describe what happens during this calculation and explain why this is happening.

To learn more: What happens

Change the parameters in the input file for simplemd so as to prevent the cluster from evaporating.

To learn more: No evaporation

Using PLUMED to specify a force field

If we lower the temperature of the simulation very little will happen. Yes the cluster will no longer evaporate but at the same time we will not see any transitions between the various basins in this energy landscape. In this section we are thus going to see how we can use PLUMED to add a bias potential that can prevent the cluster from exploring gaseous configurations that do not interest us. In other words, we are going to see how we can use PLUMED to add restraints that will prevent the cluster from evaporating. Before getting on to that, however, we first need to understand a little about how the PLUMED input file works. As explained in The structure of a PLUMED input file and Getting Started when you write a PLUMED input file you are writing a script that calculates functions of the atomic positions.

Read the description of the PLUMED input syntax in the linked pages in the paragraph above and then attempt the exercise that follows

We are going to prevent the cluster from evaporating by adding a restraint on all the atoms so as to prevent them from moving more than \(2\sigma\) from the center of mass of the cluster. As the masses of all the atoms in the cluster are the same we can compute the position of the center of mass using:

\[ \mathbf{x}_\textrm{com} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \mathbf{x}_i \]

where \(\mathbf{x}_i\) is the position of the \(i\)th atom. The distance between the \(i\)th atom and the position of this center of mass, \(d_i\), can be computed using Pythagoras' theorem. These distances are then restrained by using the following potential:

\[ V(d_i) = \begin{cases} 100*(d_i-2.0)^2 & \textrm{if} \quad d_i > 2 \\ 0 & \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

as you can see this potential has no effect on the dynamics when these distances are less than 2 \(\epsilon\). If any atom is more than 2 \(\epsilon\) from the center of mass, however, this potential will drive it back towards the center of mass. The following cell contains a skeleton input file for PLUMED that gets it to calculate and apply this bias potential.

Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
tested on v2.9
# this optional command tells VIM that this is a PLUMED file and to color the text accordingly
# vim: ft=plumed
# This tells PLUMED we are using Lennard Jones units
UNITS NATURAL( default=off ) use natural units  
# Calculate the position of the center of mass. We can then refer to this position later in the input using the label com.
com: COM __FILL__
# Add the restraint on the distance between com and the first atom
UPPER_WALLS ARGthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions. =d1 __FILL__
# Add the restraint on the distance between com and the second atom
# Add the restraint on the distance between com and the third atom
# Add the restraint on the distance between com and the fourth atom
# Add the restraint on the distance between com and the fifth atom
# Add the restraint on the distance between com and the sixth atom
# Add the restraint on the distance between com and the seventh atom

Copy and paste the content above into the file plumed.dat and then fill in the blanks by looking up the documentation for these actions online and by reading the description of the calculation that you are to run above. Once you have got a working plumed.dat file run a calculation using simplemd again at a temperature of \(k_B T = 0.2 \epsilon\) and check to see if the bias potential is indeed preventing the cluster from evaporating.


Try the following exercises if you have time and if you wish to take this exercise further:

  • See if you can rewrite the input above in a more compact way by making use of DISTANCES and UWALLS.
  • Checkout the hack-the-tree branch of PLUMED. This version of PLUMED allows you to pass vector quantities between actions as well as scalars. See if you can rewrite the above input using this version of PLUMED by making use of the MATHEVAL and BIASVALUE actions.

Calculating collective variables

We can easily determine if there are transitions between the four possible minima in the Lennard-Jones-seven potential energy landscape by monitoring the second and third central moments of the distribution of coordination numbers. The \(n\)th central moment of a set of numbers, \(\{X_i\}\) can be calculated using:

\[ \mu^n = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N ( X_i - \langle X \rangle )^n \qquad \textrm{where} \qquad \langle X \rangle = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N X_i \]

Furthermore, we can compute the coordination number of our Lennard Jones atoms using:

\[ c_i = \sum_{i \ne j } \frac{1 - \left(\frac{r_{ij}}{1.5}\right)^8}{1 - \left(\frac{r_{ij}}{1.5}\right)^{16} } \]

where \(r_{ij}\)__FILL__ is the distance between atom \(i\) and atom \(j\). The following cell contains a skeleton input file for PLUMED that gets it to calculate and print the values these two quantities take every 100 time steps to a file called colvar.

Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
tested on v2.9
c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIESthis keyword is used for colvars such as coordination number. =__FILL__ MOMENTScalculate the moments of the distribution of collective variables. =__FILL__ SWITCHThis keyword is used if you want to employ an alternative to the continuous switching
function defined above. ={RATIONAL __FILL__ }  
PRINT ARGthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions. =__FILL__ FILEthe name of the file on which to output these quantities =colvar STRIDEcompulsory keyword ( default=1 )
the frequency with which the quantities of interest should be output =100 

Copy and paste the content above into your plumed.dat file after the lines that you added in the previous exercise that added the restraints to stop the cluster from evaporating. Fill in the blanks in the input above and, once you have a working plumed.dat file, run a calculation using simplemd at a temperature of \(k_B T = 0.2 \epsilon\). Once you have generated the trajectory plot the time series of second and third moment values using gnuplot or some other plotting package.

To learn more: Example time series


Try the following exercises if you have time and if you wish to take this exercise further:

  • Investigate how SPRINT coordinates are defined and calculated using PLUMED and try to compute them for this particular system.
  • Read about other collective variables that can be calculated using PLUMED. A topic that is particularly important to understand is how PLUMED deals with periodic boundary conditions.

Estimating the free energy surface

When you plotted the time series for the collective variables in the previous exercise you should have seen that the values of these collective variables fluctuate around a number of different constant values for long periods of time. There are then infrequent jumps and after these jumps the value of the collective variable settles down and begins to fluctuate around a different constant value. There are jumps in the value of the CV whenever the system moves from one minimums illustrated above to another. What we would ideally like to extract from our simulation are the relative free energies of these various minimums. From elementary statistical mechanics, however, we know that the free energy is given by:

\[ F(s) = -k_B T \ln P(s) \]

Consequently, if we can extract an estimate of the probability that the CVs take particular values, \(s\), then we can get an estimate of the free energy. Extracting an estimate that for the probability that the collective variables take a particular value is easy, however. We just need to construct a histogram from the CV values that the system took during the trajectory. The following cell contains a skeleton input file for PLUMED that gets it to estimate this histogram and that converts and outputs this estimate of the histogram to a file called fes.dat.

Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
tested on v2.9
hh: HISTOGRAM __FILL____FILL__ could not find this keyword =-1.0,-1.0 __FILL__ could not find this keyword =1.5,1.5 GRID_BINthe number of bins for the grid =300,300 __FILL__ could not find this keyword =DISCRETE STRIDEcompulsory keyword ( default=1 )
the frequency with which the data should be collected and added to the quantity being
averaged =100 
fes: CONVERT_TO_FES GRIDcompulsory keyword 
the action that creates the input grid you would like to use =_FILL__ __FILL__ could not find this keyword =0.2 
DUMPGRID GRIDcompulsory keyword 
the action that creates the grid you would like to output =__FILL__ FILEcompulsory keyword ( default=density )
the file on which to write the grid. =fes.dat 

Copy and paste the content above into your plumed.dat file after the lines that you added in the previous two exercises. Fill in the blanks in the input above and, once you have a working plumed.dat file, run a calculation using simplemd at a temperature of \(k_B T = 0.2 \epsilon\). Once you have generated the trajectory create a contour plot of the free energy surface that is contained in fes.dat using gnuplot or some other plotting package.

To learn more: What your free energy surface should look like

Rerun the calculation of the free energy surface at a lower temperature. What differences do you observe at the lower temperature? Why might these differences be problematic?

To learn more: Running at a lower temperature


Try the following exercises if you have time and if you wish to take this exercise further:

  • Try to recalculate the free energy surface but use kernel density estimation when calculating the HISTOGRAM.
  • Work through Trieste tutorial: Averaging, histograms and block analysis and try to apply the ideas this tutorial covers to calculate appropriate error bars the estimate of the free energy surface that you extracted in the previous exercises.

Performing metadynamics

We can use an enhanced sampling algorithm to overcome the problems that we encountered at the end of the last exercise and to more fully explore configuration space even at low temperature. In this final exercise we are thus going to perform a metadynamics simulation on our Lennard Jones cluster. In metadynamics the system is forced to explore more of configuration space by a history dependent bias that has the following functional form:

\[ V(s,t) = \sum_{\tau=0}^t w(\tau) \exp\left( -\frac{( s(t) - s(\tau))^2 }{ 2\sigma^2} \right) \]

This bias potential consists of a sum of Gaussian kernels with bandwidth \(\sigma\) that are centered at the values of the CV that the system took at previous times. The weights of the kernels in this sum are time dependent because we are going to use the well-tempered variant of metadynamics which introduces one further parameter \(\gamma = \frac{T + \Delta T}{T}\).

To run metadynamics on the Lennard Jones cluster that we have been studying in this exercise using PLUMED you would delete the lines that you used to compute the histogram from the plumed input file that we have been using thus far and you would add a line like the one shown below.

Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
tested on v2.9
METAD ARGthe input for this action is the scalar output from one or more other actions. =__FILL__ HEIGHTthe heights of the Gaussian hills. =__FILL__ PACEcompulsory keyword 
the frequency for hill addition =__FILL__ SIGMAcompulsory keyword 
the widths of the Gaussian hills =__FILL__ GRID_MINthe lower bounds for the grid =-1.5,-1.5 GRID_MAXthe upper bounds for the grid =2.5,2.5 GRID_BINthe number of bins for the grid =500,500 BIASFACTORuse well tempered metadynamics and use this bias factor. =5 

This input should be modified to instruct PLUMED to add Gaussian kernels with a bandwidth of 0.1 in both the second and third moment of the distribution of coordination numbers and a height of 0.05 \(\epsilon\) every 50 MD steps. The metadynamics calculation should then be run using simplemd at a temperature of \(k_B T = 0.1 \epsilon\).

A nice feature of the metadynamics method is that, if the simulation is converged, the final bias potential is a related to the underlying free energy surface by:

\[ F(s) = - \frac{T + \Delta T}{\Delta T} V(s,t) \]

This formula is implemented in the tool sum_hills that is part of the PLUMED package. To run sum_hills on the output of your metadynamics simulation you can run the command:

plumed sum_hills --hills HILLS

This command should output a file called fes.dat that contains the final estimate of the free energy surface that was calculated using metadynamics.

Try to run the sum_hills command on the HILLS file output by your metadynamics simulation. Visualize the fes.dat file that is output by using gnuplot or some similar plotting package.


Try the following exercises if you have time and if you wish to take this exercise further:


This exercise has hopefully given you a sense of the sorts of calculations that can be performed using PLUMED. Hopefully you now have an understanding of how PLUMED input files are structured so that variables can be passed between different actions. Furthermore, you should have seen how PLUMED can be used both to analyze trajectories and to add in additional forces that force the system to undergo transitions that it would not otherwise undergo.

Obviously, given the short time available to us in this tutorial, we have only scratched the surface in terms of what PLUMED can be used to do and in terms of how metadynamics calculations are run in practice. If you want to understand more about how to run PLUMED we would recommend that you start by reading the chapter that we provided a link to in the introduction to this tutorial. For now though well done on completing the exercise and good luck with your future PLUMED-related endeavors.