This is part of the opes module
It is only available if you configure PLUMED with ./configure –enable-modules=opes . Furthermore, this feature is still being developed so take care when using it and report any problems on the mailing list.

Expand a simulation to sample multiple temperatures and pressures.

The potential ENERGY, \(E\), and the VOLUME, \(V\), of the system should be used as ARG.

\[ \Delta u_{\beta',p'}=(\beta'-\beta) E + (\beta' p' -\beta p) V\, , \]

where \(\beta', p'\) are the temperatures and pressures to be sampled, while \(\beta, p\) is the temperature and pressure at which the simulation is conducted.

If instead you wish to sample multiple temperatures and a single pressure, you should use ECV_MULTITHERMAL with as ARG the internal energy \(U=E+pV\).

The TEMP_STEPS and PRESSURE_STEPS are automatically guessed from the initial unbiased steps (see OBSERVATION_STEPS in OPES_EXPANDED), unless explicitly set. The algorithm for this guess is described in [75] should provide a rough estimate useful for most applications. The pressures are uniformely spaced, while the temperatures steps are geometrically spaced. Use instead the keyword NO_GEOM_SPACING for a linear spacing in inverse temperature (beta). For more detailed control you can use instead TEMP_SET_ALL and/or PRESSURE_SET_ALL to explicitly set all of them. The temperatures and pressures are then combined in a 2D grid.

You can use CUT_CORNER to avoid a high-temperature/low-pressure region. This can be useful e.g. to increase the temperature for greater ergodicity, while avoiding water to vaporize, as in Ref.[75].

You can reweight the resulting simulation at any temperature and pressure in chosen target, using e.g. REWEIGHT_TEMP_PRESS. A similar target distribution can be sampled using TD_MULTITHERMAL_MULTIBARIC.

Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
tested on v2.9
ene: ENERGY 
vol: VOLUME 
compulsory keyword the labels of the potential energy and of the volume of the system.
compulsory keyword ( default=-1 ) temperature.
the minimum of the temperature range
the maximum of the temperature range
compulsory keyword pressure.
=0.06022140857*2000 #2 kbar
the minimum of the pressure range
=0.06022140857 #1 bar
the maximum of the pressure range
=0.06022140857*4000 #4 kbar
avoid region of high temperature and low pressure.
=500,0.06022140857,800,0.06022140857*1000 ... opes: OPES_EXPANDED
compulsory keyword the label of the ECVs that define the expansion.
compulsory keyword ( default=DELTAFS ) a file with the estimate of the relative Delta F for each component of the target and of the global c(t)
compulsory keyword how often the bias is updated
( default=off ) switch on MPI version of multiple walkers

Notice that \(p=0.06022140857\) corresponds to 1 bar only when using the default PLUMED units. If you modify them via the UNITS command, then the pressure has to be rescaled accordingly.

Glossary of keywords and components
Compulsory keywords
TEMP ( default=-1 ) temperature. If not specified tries to get it from MD engine
ARG the labels of the potential energy and of the volume of the system. You can calculate them with ENERGY and VOLUME respectively
PRESSURE pressure. Use the proper units
NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES ( default=off ) calculate the derivatives for these quantities numerically

( default=off ) do not use geometrical spacing in temperature, but instead linear spacing in inverse temperature

TEMP_MIN the minimum of the temperature range
TEMP_MAX the maximum of the temperature range
TEMP_STEPS the number of steps in temperature
TEMP_SET_ALL manually set all the temperatures
PRESSURE_MIN the minimum of the pressure range
PRESSURE_MAX the maximum of the pressure range
PRESSURE_STEPS the number of steps in pressure
PRESSURE_SET_ALL manually set all the pressures
SET_ALL_TEMP_PRESSURE manually set all the target temperature_pressure pairs. An underscore separates temperature and pressure, while different points are comma-separated, e.g.: temp1_pres1,temp1_pres2,...
CUT_CORNER avoid region of high temperature and low pressure. Exclude all points below a line in the temperature-pressure plane, defined by two points: \(T_{\text{low}},P_{\text{low}},T_{\text{high}},P_{\text{high}}\)