Classes providing input directives

Classes which implement directive that we used in the plumed input file. More...


class  PLMD::adjmat::ClusterDiameter
 Provides the keyword CLUSTER_DIAMETER More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::ClusterDistribution
 Provides the keyword CLUSTER_DISTRIBUTION More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::ClusterProperties
 Provides the keyword CLUSTER_PROPERTIES More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::ClusterSize
 Provides the keyword CLUSTER_NATOMS More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::ClusterWithSurface
 Provides the keyword CLUSTER_WITHSURFACE More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::ContactAlignedMatrix
 Provides the keyword ALIGNED_MATRIX More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::ContactMatrix
 Provides the keyword CONTACT_MATRIX More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::DFSClustering
 Provides the keyword DFSCLUSTERING More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::HBondMatrix
 Provides the keyword HBOND_MATRIX More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::MatrixColumnSums
 Provides the keyword COLUMNSUMS More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::MatrixRowSums
 Provides the keyword ROWSUMS More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::OutputCluster
 Provides the keyword OUTPUT_CLUSTER More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::SMACMatrix
 Provides the keyword SMAC_MATRIX More...
class  PLMD::adjmat::Sprint
 Provides the keyword SPRINT More...
class  PLMD::analysis::Average
 Provides the keyword AVERAGE More...
class  PLMD::analysis::ClassicalMultiDimensionalScaling
 Provides the keyword CLASSICAL_MDS More...
class  PLMD::analysis::Committor
 Provides the keyword COMMITTOR More...
class  PLMD::analysis::Histogram
 Provides the keyword HISTOGRAM More...
class  PLMD::analysis::PCA
 Provides the keyword PCA More...
class  PLMD::bias::ABMD
 Provides the keyword ABMD More...
class  PLMD::bias::BiasValue
 Provides the keyword BIASVALUE More...
class  PLMD::bias::ExtendedLagrangian
 Provides the keyword EXTENDED_LAGRANGIAN More...
class  PLMD::bias::External
 Provides the keyword EXTERNAL More...
class  PLMD::bias::LWalls
 Provides the keyword LOWER_WALLS More...
class  PLMD::bias::MetaD
 Provides the keyword METAD More...
class  PLMD::bias::Metainference
 Provides the keyword METAINFERENCE More...
class  PLMD::bias::MovingRestraint
 Provides the keyword MOVINGRESTRAINT More...
class  PLMD::bias::PBMetaD
 Provides the keyword PBMETAD More...
class  PLMD::bias::Restraint
 Provides the keyword RESTRAINT More...
class  PLMD::bias::ReweightBias
 Provides the keyword REWEIGHT_BIAS More...
class  PLMD::bias::ReweightMetad
 Provides the keyword REWEIGHT_METAD More...
class  PLMD::bias::ReweightTemperature
 Provides the keyword REWEIGHT_TEMP More...
class  PLMD::bias::UWalls
 Provides the keyword UPPER_WALLS More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Angle
 Provides the keyword ANGLE More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Cell
 Provides the keyword CELL More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Constant
 Provides the keyword CONSTANT More...
class  PLMD::colvar::ContactMap
 Provides the keyword CONTACTMAP More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Coordination
 Provides the keyword COORDINATION More...
class  PLMD::colvar::CS2Backbone
 Provides the keyword CS2BACKBONE More...
class  PLMD::colvar::DHEnergy
 Provides the keyword DHENERGY More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Dipole
 Provides the keyword DIPOLE More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Distance
 Provides the keyword DISTANCE More...
class  PLMD::colvar::DRMSD
 Provides the keyword DRMSD More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Energy
 Provides the keyword ENERGY More...
class  PLMD::colvar::ERMSD
 Provides the keyword ERMSD More...
class  PLMD::colvar::ColvarFake
 Provides the keyword FAKE More...
class  PLMD::colvar::FretEfficiency
 Provides the keyword FRET More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Gyration
 Provides the keyword GYRATION More...
class  PLMD::colvar::JCoupling
 Provides the keyword <a href="../../user-doc/html/_"_j_c_o_u_p_l_i_n_g.html"> "JCOUPLING More...
class  PLMD::colvar::MultiRMSD
 Provides the keyword MULTI-RMSD More...
class  PLMD::colvar::NOE
 Provides the keyword NOE More...
class  PLMD::colvar::PathMSD
 Provides the keyword PATHMSD More...
class  PLMD::colvar::PCARMSD
 Provides the keyword PCARMSD More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Position
 Provides the keyword POSITION More...
class  PLMD::colvar::PRE
 Provides the keyword PRE More...
class  PLMD::colvar::PropertyMap
 Provides the keyword PROPERTYMAP More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Puckering
 Provides the keyword PUCKERING More...
class  PLMD::colvar::RDC
 Provides the keyword RDC More...
class  PLMD::colvar::RMSD
 Provides the keyword RMSD More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Template
 Provides the keyword TEMPLATE More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Torsion
 Provides the keyword TORSION More...
class  PLMD::colvar::Volume
 Provides the keyword VOLUME More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::Fccubic
 Provides the keyword FCCUBIC More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::Gradient
 Provides the keyword GRADIENT More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::InterMolecularTorsions
 Provides the keyword INTERMOLECULARTORSIONS More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::MoleculeOrientation
 Provides the keyword MOLECULES More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::MoleculePlane
 Provides the keyword PLANES More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::Q3
 Provides the keyword Q3 More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::LOCAL_Q3
 Provides the keyword LOCAL_Q3 More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::Q4
 Provides the keyword Q4 More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::LOCAL_Q4
 Provides the keyword LOCAL_Q4 More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::Q6
 Provides the keyword Q6 More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::LOCAL_Q6
 Provides the keyword LOCAL_Q6 More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::SimpleCubic
 Provides the keyword SIMPLECUBIC More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::SMAC
 Provides the keyword SMAC More...
class  PLMD::crystallization::Tetrahedral
 Provides the keyword TETRAHEDRAL More...
class  PLMD::function::Combine
 Provides the keyword COMBINE More...
class  PLMD::function::Ensemble
 Provides the keyword ENSEMBLE More...
class  PLMD::function::FuncPathMSD
 Provides the keyword FUNCPATHMSD More...
class  PLMD::function::FuncSumHills
 Provides the keyword FUNCSUMHILLS More...
class  PLMD::function::LocalEnsemble
 Provides the keyword LOCALENSEMBLE More...
class  PLMD::function::Matheval
 Provides the keyword MATHEVAL More...
class  PLMD::function::Piecewise
 Provides the keyword PIECEWISE More...
class  PLMD::function::Sort
 Provides the keyword SORT More...
class  PLMD::function::Stats
 Provides the keyword STATS More...
class  PLMD::function::Target
 Provides the keyword TARGET More...
class  PLMD::generic::Debug
 Provides the keyword DEBUG More...
class  PLMD::generic::DumpAtoms
 Provides the keyword DUMPATOMS More...
class  PLMD::generic::DumpDerivatives
 Provides the keyword DUMPDERIVATIVES More...
class  PLMD::generic::DumpForces
 Provides the keyword DUMPFORCES More...
class  PLMD::generic::DumpMassCharge
 Provides the keyword DUMPMASSCHARGE More...
class  PLMD::generic::DumpProjections
 Provides the keyword DUMPPROJECTIONS More...
class  PLMD::generic::EffectiveEnergyDrift
 Provides the keyword EFFECTIVE_ENERGY_DRIFT More...
class  PLMD::generic::FitToTemplate
 Provides the keyword FIT_TO_TEMPLATE More...
class  PLMD::generic::Flush
 Provides the keyword FLUSH More...
class  PLMD::generic::Group
 Provides the keyword GROUP More...
class  PLMD::generic::Include
 Provides the keyword INCLUDE More...
class  PLMD::generic::Print
 Provides the keyword PRINT More...
class  PLMD::generic::RandomExchanges
 Provides the keyword RANDOM_EXCHANGES More...
class  PLMD::generic::Read
 Provides the keyword
class  PLMD::generic::ResetCell
 Provides the keyword RESET_CELL More...
class  PLMD::generic::Time
 Provides the keyword TIME More...
class  PLMD::generic::UpdateIf
 Provides the keyword UPDATE_IF More...
class  PLMD::generic::WholeMolecules
 Provides the keyword WHOLEMOLECULES More...
class  PLMD::generic::WrapAround
 Provides the keyword WRAPAROUND More...
class  PLMD::gridtools::ConvertToFES
 Provides the keyword CONVERT_TO_FES More...
class  PLMD::gridtools::DumpCube
 Provides the keyword DUMPCUBE More...
class  PLMD::gridtools::DumpGrid
 Provides the keyword DUMPGRID More...
class  PLMD::gridtools::FindContour
 Provides the keyword FIND_CONTOUR More...
class  PLMD::gridtools::FindContourSurface
 Provides the keyword FIND_CONTOUR_SURFACE More...
class  PLMD::gridtools::FindSphericalContour
 Provides the keyword FIND_SPHERICAL_CONTOUR More...
class  PLMD::gridtools::FourierTransform
 Provides the keyword FOURIER_TRANSFORM More...
class  PLMD::gridtools::InterpolateGrid
 Provides the keyword INTERPOLATE_GRID More...
class  PLMD::manyrestraints::UWalls
 Provides the keyword UWALLS More...
class  PLMD::mapping::Path
 Provides the keyword PATH More...
class  PLMD::mapping::PCAVars
 Provides the keyword PCAVARS More...
class  PLMD::mapping::PropertyMap
 Provides the keyword GPROPERTYMAP More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::AlphaBeta
 Provides the keyword ALPHABETA More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::Angles
 Provides the keyword ANGLES More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::Bridge
 Provides the keyword BRIDGE More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::CenterOfMultiColvar
 Provides the keyword CENTER_OF_MULTICOLVAR More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::CoordinationNumbers
 Provides the keyword COORDINATIONNUMBER More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::Density
 Provides the keyword DENSITY More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::DihedralCorrelation
 Provides the keyword DIHCOR More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::DistanceFromContour
 Provides the keyword DISTANCE_FROM_CONTOUR More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::Distances
 Provides the keyword DISTANCES More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::DumpMultiColvar
 Provides the keyword DUMPMULTICOLVAR More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::FilterBetween
 Provides the keyword MFILTER_BETWEEN More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::FilterLess
 Provides the keyword MFILTER_LESS More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::FilterMore
 Provides the keyword MFILTER_MORE More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::InPlaneDistances
 Provides the keyword INPLANEDISTANCES More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::LocalAverage
 Provides the keyword LOCAL_AVERAGE More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::MultiColvarDensity
 Provides the keyword MULTICOLVARDENS More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::NumberOfLinks
 Provides the keyword NLINKS More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::Torsions
 Provides the keyword TORSIONS More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::VolumeAround
 Provides the keyword AROUND More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::VolumeCavity
 Provides the keyword CAVITY More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::VolumeInCylinder
 Provides the keyword INCYLINDER More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::VolumeInSphere
 Provides the keyword INSPHERE More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::VolumeTetrapore
 Provides the keyword TETRAHEDRALPORE More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::XDistances
 Provides the keyword XDISTANCES More...
class  PLMD::multicolvar::XYDistances
 Provides the keyword XYDISTANCES More...
class  PLMD::secondarystructure::AlphaRMSD
 Provides the keyword ALPHARMSD More...
class  PLMD::secondarystructure::AntibetaRMSD
 Provides the keyword ANTIBETARMSD More...
class  PLMD::secondarystructure::ParabetaRMSD
 Provides the keyword PARABETARMSD More...
class  PLMD::setup::Load
 Provides the keyword LOAD More...
class  PLMD::setup::MolInfo
 Provides the keyword MOLINFO More...
class  PLMD::setup::Restart
 Provides the keyword RESTART More...
class  PLMD::setup::Units
 Provides the keyword UNITS More...
class  PLMD::vatom::Center
 Provides the keyword CENTER More...
class  PLMD::vatom::COM
 Provides the keyword COM More...
class  PLMD::vatom::FixedAtom
 Provides the keyword FIXEDATOM More...
class  PLMD::vatom::Ghost
 Provides the keyword GHOST More...

Detailed Description

Classes which implement directive that we used in the plumed input file.

Most of these classes are only used to provide a new feature which will be available from the plumed input file. As such, they are typically not reused in other places of the code. For this reason, almost all of them are directly provided into an implementation file (.cpp), and have no accociated header file (.h). A notable exceptions is PLMD::SetupMolInfo, which needs to be accessed directly from other classes.

Each of these classes provides one directive for the plumed input file. This list is built automatically based on the PLUMED_REGISTER_ACTION macro.