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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CActionBase class for all the input Actions
 CActionAtomisticAction used to create objects that access the positions of the atoms from the MD code
 CActionOptionsThis class is used to bring the relevant information to the Action constructor
 CActionPilotThis is used to create PLMD::Action objects that are run with some set frequency
 CActionRegisterRegister holding all the allowed keywords
 CActionSetStd::vector containing the sequence of Action to be done
 CActionSetupAction used to create a PLMD::Action that do something during setup only e.g
 CActionWithArgumentsThis is used to create PLMD::Action objects that take the output from some other Action as input
 CActionWithValueUsed to create a PLMD::Action that has some scalar or vectorial output that may or may not have some derivatives
 CActionWithVirtualAtomInherit from here if you are calculating the position of a virtual atom (eg a center of mass)
 CAngleClass to compute angles
 CAtomNumberSimple class to store the index of an atom
 CAtomsClass containing atom related quantities from the MD code
 CBiasRepresentationThis class implements a general purpose class that aims to provide a Grid/list transparently add gaussians to a bias
 CCitationsClass taking care of bibliography
 CCLToolThis is the abstract base class to use for implementing new command line tool, within it there is information as to how to go about implemneting a new tool
 CCLToolMainClass providing cmd() access to command line tools
 CCLToolRegisterSame as ActionRegister, but for CLTools
 CColvarThis is the abstract base class to use for implementing new collective variables, within it there is information as to how to go about implementing a new CV
 CCommunicatorClass containing wrappers to MPI
 CCS2BackboneProvides the keyword CS2BACKBONE
 CDLLoaderClass taking care of dynamic loading
 CDRMSDA class that implements DRMSD calculations
 CDynamicListA class for storing a list that changes which members are active as a function of time
 CExceptionClass to deal with Plumed runtime errors
 CFileBaseBase class for dealing with files
 CHistogramBeadA class for calculating whether or not values are within a given range using : \( \sum_i \int_a^b G( s_i, \sigma*(b-a) ) \)
 CIFileClass for input files
 CIMDProvides the keyword IMD
 CKeywordsThis class holds the keywords and their documentation
 CLatticeReductionClass implementing algorithms for lattice reduction
 CLogClass containing the log stream
 CMatrixThis class stores a full matrix and allows one to do some simple matrix operations
 CMatrixSquareBracketsAccessUtility class to add [][] access
 CMDAtomsBaseClass containing interface to MDAtomsTyped
 CMDAtomsTypedClass containing the pointers to the MD data It is templated so that single and double precision versions coexist IT IS STILL UNDOCUMENTED
 CMPI_CommSurrogate of MPI types when MPI library is not available
 CNeighborListA class that implements neighbor lists from two lists or a single list of atoms
 COFileClass for output files
 COptimalAlignmentA class that is intended to include or combine various optimal alignment algorithms
 CPDBMinimalistic pdb parser
 CPlumedC++ wrapper for plumed
 CPlumedMainMain plumed object
 CPlumedMainInitializerStatic object which registers Plumed
 CRMSDA class that implements RMSD calculations This is a class that implements the various infrastructure to calculate the RMSD or MSD respect a given frame
 CStopwatchClass implementing stopwatch to time execution
 CSwitchingFunctionSmall class to compure switching functions in the form In the future we might extend it so as to be set using a string: void set(std::string); which can then be parsed for more complex stuff, e.g
 CTensorChecksSmall auxiliary class
 CTensorGenericClass implementing fixed size matrices of doubles
 CToolsEmpty class which just contains several (static) tools
 CTorsionClass to compute torsional angles
 CUnitsSmall utility class that contains information about units
 CValueA class for holding the value of a function together with its derivatives
 CVectorChecksSmall auxiliary class
 CVectorGenericClass implementing fixed size vectors of doubles
 CWithCmdBase for classes with cmd() method
 CplumedMain plumed object
 Cplumed_function_holderHolder for function pointer
 Cplumed_plumedmain_function_holderContainer for plumedmain function pointers (create, cmd and finalize)